《一千零一夜》 天方夜谭的玉石
Jade of “Arabian Nights”
被誉为人间乐园 ( Paradise)自波斯语“Pardis”。
L&D Persia series derive from the ancient Persia, which is one of the five great ancient civilizations
(Egypt, Babylon, China and India) and even plays a vital role in connecting Egypt, two rivers (the middle
and lower reaches of Tigris and Euphrates) and Greece. The large buildings in ancient Persia demonstrated
the art essences of the ancient Persia for its archetectrue, sculpture and decorations. Persia (the left in
the following figure is the raw stone material) was used in the artistic design of the Persian palaces and
landscape gardens to add the unthinkable and mysterious flavor just a fairy tale, and “Paradise” comes from
the word of Persian language “Pardis”.
(1) Suitable design style: Modern, European classical, neo-classic, simplistic and elegant and other Multi-Style.
(2) Suitable space: high-grade clubhouses, office buildings, villas, shopping malls and restaurants or hotels, etc.
(3) Product Specifications and package:800X800:3 tiles,53KG/case.